Mod Operator


Mod 101 | Even or Odd | Divisible by Another Number

The Mod operator in Excel VBA gives the remainder of a division. This page starts with some simple examples.

Mod 101

Place a command button on your worksheet and add the following code line:

MsgBox 7 Mod 2

Result when you click the command button on the sheet:

Excel VBA Mod Operator Result

Explanation: 7 divided by 2 equals 3 with a remainder of 1.

Code line:

MsgBox 8 Mod 2


Excel VBA Mod Operator Result

Explanation: 8 divided by 2 equals 4 with a remainder of 0.

Even or Odd

Let's create a program that uses the Mod operator to check if a number is even or odd.

Code lines:

Dim x As Integer
x = Range("A1").Value

If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
    Range("B1").Value = "Even"
    Range("B1").Value = "Odd"
End If

For example, enter the value 100 into cell A1 and click the command button on the sheet.


Check if a Number is Even or Odd

Explanation: a number is even if it is divisible by 2 without a remainder.

Divisible by Another Number

Let's create a program that uses the Mod operator to check if a number is divisible by another number.

Code lines:

Dim x As Integer
x = Range("A1").Value

If x Mod 4 = 0 Then
    Range("B1").Value = "Divisible by 4"
    Range("B1").Value = "Not divisible by 4"
End If

For example, enter the value 50 into cell A1 and click the command button on the sheet.


Not Divisibile by 4

Explanation: 50 divided by 4 equals 12 with a remainder of 2. In other words, 50 is not divisible by 4.