Number and Text Filters


Number Filter | Text Filter

This example teaches you how to apply a number filter and a text filter to only display records that meet certain criteria.

1. Click any single cell inside a data set.

2. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Filter.

Click Filter

Arrows in the column headers appear.

Filter Arrrows

Number Filter

To apply a number filter, execute the following steps.

3. Click the arrow next to Sales.

4. Click Number Filters (this option is available because the Sales column contains numeric data) and select Greater Than from the list.

Number Filters in Excel

5. Enter 10,000 and click OK.

Custom Autofilter

Result. Excel only displays the records where Sales is greater than $10,000.

Number Filter Result

Note: you can also display records equal to a value, less than a value, between two values, the top x records, records that are above average, etc. The sky is the limit!

Text Filter

To apply a text filter, execute the following steps.

3. Click the arrow next to Last Name.

4. Click Text Filters (this option is available because the Last Name column contains text data) and select Equals from the list.

Text Filters in Excel

5. Enter ?m* and click OK.

Custom Autofilter

Note: A question mark (?) matches exactly one character. An asterisk (*) matches a series of zero or more characters.

Result. Excel only displays the records where the second character of Last Name equals m.

Text Filter Result

Note: you can also display records that begin with a specific character, end with a specific character, contain or do not contain a specific character, etc. The sky is the limit!